8 Internet Privacy Tips for Parents

8 Internet Privacy Tips For Parents - Comwave
Calender Icon Feb 22 2022

In today’s digital world, internet users of all ages are no strangers to the most common privacy threats. Unfortunately, not everyone takes the necessary steps to protect their privacy, especially at home.

Kids and teens in particular, though mostly tech-savvy and active on social media platforms, are also highly vulnerable to internet privacy issues. The reason? Internet safety is not talked about at home; and even when it is, it’s not talked about in a proactive and healthy manner.

Internet Privacy Starts at Home

When it comes to internet privacy, many parents just install firewalls and virus-detection programs, effectively restricting kids’ access to certain sites. The missing piece is open and healthy conversations on what internet privacy is—why it’s not safe to visit certain websites, why they shouldn’t freely provide personal information, and how they can learn to protect themselves.

To keep the internet safe, parents need to take a more proactive role not just in protecting their kids’ privacy but in teaching them how to protect their privacy. Like all life lessons and good habits, internet safety starts at home.

How to Talk to Kids About Internet Privacy and Protect Your Home Network

Not sure how to talk to your kids about internet privacy? Here’s a quick guide for starting the conversation. Check out these essential internet privacy tips to try at home:

1.Talk to your kids

It all starts with an honest conversation. Talk to your kids about the internet: find out what they use it for, what sites and apps they frequent, and their experiences online. A healthy conversation establishes trust, and ensures that kids feel safe asking you about what they see and do on the internet, rather than sneaking out to visit age-inappropriate platforms.

When talking to kids, teach them that personal information is a currency: it is valuable and therefore needs to be protected. An open conversation allows you to find out what information they’ve shared online, and teach them what information is and isn’t OK to provide to apps and websites.

2.See for yourself

Once you’ve established what apps and websites your kids frequent, check them out yourself. If an app or platform requires the creation of an account, try it out to better understand what personal information kids have shared, and how they’re using these spaces. This is the best way to find out your kids’ internet privacy level and warn them against apps or games that pose threats, such as remotely turning on their camera or tracking their location.

3.Stay current with tech

Not much of a tech buff? It might be time to become more internet-savvy. These days, it’s very common for kids to know more about tech than their parents. But in order to protect your kids’ privacy on the internet, you need to know what devices, apps, and websites they’re using, and how. Doing this can also inform future shopping choices, allowing you to select “kid-friendly” devices and activate necessary privacy settings.

4.Teach kids good internet habits

Teach kids early on the golden rule of healthy internet use and internet privacy: the internet is forever. What happens online stays online—this means any information they share can easily be copied and used, despite new internet privacy laws. Teaching them this early on can help them remember to think before they click, and consider whether the photo or comment they post is appropriate and something they can safely share.

5.Monitor your kids’ online presence

The reality is, it’s impossible to keep kids off the internet—and you shouldn’t. With everything now taking place online, kids need to learn how to use the internet properly and protect their privacy. This means it’s more important to be proactive, rather than simply banning them from browsing.To start, teach kids how to use privacy and security settings on their devices, and the games, apps, and platforms they use. Try to see what they’re browsing or playing, and where possible, make sure that age restrictions are set. Note that on many social media platforms that kids frequent, privacy restrictions are rarely set as default options. To maintain their internet privacy, carefully review and modify the relevant privacy settings. If available, try kids’ versions of popular apps like YouTube, and encourage them to always click, download, and post cautiously.

6.Set parental controls

While talking openly about internet privacy is key to healthy online habits, it’s inevitable that kids end up on inappropriate sites with harmful content. The truth is, even adults are not always immune to clicking on suspicious links and ads. It happens—and it’s why internet privacy is always a balance of awareness and the right privacy settings.

7.Teach kids about password protection

One of the most basic internet privacy tips, password protection remains one of the most effective ways of maintaining a safe online experience. Teach kids what a secure password is: with at least 8 characters and a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Remind them to use different passwords for each of their accounts, store these securely offline, and update regularly.

8.Set a good example

Finally, remember that internet privacy starts with you. Kids learn a lot by following your example. From reviewing what you share and your personal information as it appears online, to thinking before you click and using safe sites and apps, it’s important to do as you tell your kids.Make sure to respect their personal information and establish healthy boundaries. Most importantly, don’t simply “take away the internet” when they do something wrong. Instead, talk to them about your own mishaps to help them avoid making the same mistakes.

Safe Home Internet for the Entire Family with Comwave

Looking for ways to promote healthy online habits for the entire family? At Comwave, we’re committed to helping parents and kids understand online safely, and we’re committed to keeping the internet family-friendly. Call our team today at 416-663-9600 to learn more about setting up parental controls within your home internet network, and see how we work with families to maintain internet privacy at home.

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