How to Boost Your Content Creation Workflow

How To Boost Your Content Creation - Comwave
Calender Icon Aug 15 2023

Content creators are certainly having a moment, and it starts with the basic idea behind it: anyone can be one. All you need is a camera—like the one on your smartphone—even a cheap internet connection, a brand, identity, or creative niche you’re passionate about, and dedication to building your community. Or, at least in theory.

In 2023, content creation has gotten a lot more sophisticated and competitive. Not only are there more creators than ever, but the sheer volume of content available online, platforms that users are on, and brands looking for top creators to partner with are factors that make content creation challenging. What once was a hobby has now become a lucrative career, but not for the fainthearted. It’s why many content creators are increasingly feeling burnout due to the highs and lows of the creator economy.

The solution? It’s all about changing the way you do the job, so you’re always doing what you love. If you’re worried about creator burnout getting the best of you, check out our tips for improving your content creation workflow, complete with the best and cheapest internet from Comwave.

Tips for Improving Your Content Creation Workflow

Are you struggling to find time to film or come up with new content ideas? You need a reset of your content creation workflow. And we have just the way to do it. From taking a step back and thinking about your brand, to scheduling, and content planning, here’s how you can get back to the groove.

        1. Look at your audience and milestones

Perhaps the first step to moving past creator burnout is going back to the beginning. How did you get here and what were the biggest things you learned along the way?

Throughout your time as a content creator, you have built an audience and a memorable brand. Now that you’re at the crossroads, it’s worth revisiting whether you’re continuing to provide value to your audience and if your brand remains strong and competitive. 

It’s also a good time to review your performance, such as views, followers or subscribers, and engagement rate, against the perks and income you earn from brands. Having a clear picture of your progress, goals for being a creator, and your vision for content you want to share helps you stay on track.

        2. Set daily goals

If you’re a full-time content creator, you’re familiar with both the perks and perils of being your own boss and working on your own time. Because you set the pace, it can sometimes be hard to stay on top of all the production and make sure that you have content queued up and ready to go.

One way to get past this slump is by breaking down your work week into tasks. You can bundle all similar tasks into one day so you can focus on one thing at a time and avoid disruptions to your content creation workflow. 

For example, you can assign:

  • Mondays: Outlining and writing
  • Tuesdays: Designing
  • Wednesdays: Editing
  • Thursdays: Final editing
  • Fridays: Scheduling

        3. Do one project at a time

Being a content creator already involves doing a lot of things all at once. From planning and producing your content, to posting, engaging with your community, and tracking analytics, there’s only so much you can do throughout the week.

So, why are you trying to produce many different projects at once? To avoid burnout and in order to streamline your content creation workflow, it’s best to give one project your full, undivided attention at a time. It can be helpful to implement quick project sprints which involve breaking down the project into important, bite-sized tasks that you can accomplish every day, for one to two weeks. These sprints help build momentum and keep you on track for both short- and long-term goals.

        4. Create a weekly work-life schedule

More than breaking down tasks throughout the week and working in sprints, it’s even more important to build these daily goals into a complete, balanced schedule. When planning for the week ahead, don’t just map tasks for the project on your calendar, but make sure you have enough time for life outside of work. 

Remember—content creation is work, but it’s also work that you love because you truly enjoy doing it. Instead of creating just a work schedule, add time for personal appointments, time away from work, seeing family and friends, chores, and more. By time-blocking your calendar with both work and life, you can get a sense of your work-life balance and work towards taking better care of yourself.

        5. Set a publishing schedule

Earlier, we gave you a sample weekly schedule for grouping tasks and completing project sprints. If you’re aiming to schedule your content production cycle from Monday to Friday and get your upcoming posts queued by the end of the week, you can also “work back” a bit to determine how much you want to post and how this number lines up with your weekly calendar.

Depending on the content you post, the sample project sprint we talked about works well if you’re posting an article or vlog once a week. From there, you can also build in the number of times you’re posting snippets, teasers, and other content on your other social media channels to keep your audience engaged as they wait for your next release.

        6. Build your toolbox

It’s impossible to get anything done and keep your content creation workflow on track without the right tools. And with the demand for creators to produce content at an all-time high, you need a reliable, up-to-date toolbox with all the assets you need. 

There are tons of platforms designed to support influencers in content creation by offering stock images and video with licensing, photo and video editors, and graphics elements. By using these platforms, you can streamline your content creation workflow and get the best quality content that your audience will always love.

        7. Follow the 80/20 rule

According to the 80/20 rule, 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. This means it’s important to look at your performance across channels and see where the biggest chunk of that 80% is coming from and invest more in it. By learning about the platform and best types of content that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take conversion actions, you can focus on a strategy that yields the highest returns.

Create Content with Comwave Internet

And there you have it—that’s our quick, handy guide to improving your content creation workflow. But don’t forget one of the most important parts of being a content creator: having the best internet speed for uninterrupted streaming, seamless posting, and nonstop connection with your community. Comwave gives you exactly that. We make your content creation workflow possible, thanks to the best and cheapest internet that matches your everyday needs, from planning content to posting.

Looking for an internet plan that enables your content creation workflow? Check out Comwave internet plans for the best speeds at the cheapest prices, made for creators.

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