Supporting an Omnichannel Customer Experience

Omnichannel Customer Experience - Comwave
Calender Icon Jun 30 2017

As global marketplace competition continues to increase, businesses must find ways to provide their customers with new options to better communicate their services and offerings – or risk losing customers to the competition. One trend in customer service in many industries is the omnichannel approach. Omnichannel customer service integrates technology with customer service to provide a unified brand experience. Customers can comfortably switch between multiple communication channels and still receive the highest quality of service from your business. It’s all about building and strengthening relationships.

Today, the customer journey is more dynamic, fluid and accessible. Customers don’t think about the channel when they are seeking information or answers to their queries. They expect real-time responses and assume that your business will communicate with them through channels that are convenient for them. To meet these expectations, businesses are adding channels like social media, text message, and live chat to their traditional communication methods, which include email and phone calls. For example, live chat support is becoming an increasingly popular channel for customer service. According to SuperOffice, 63% of visitors are more likely to revisit a website that offers this feature.

Businesses should leverage the capabilities of multiple platforms, primarily social, to allow customers to reach you through the channel of their choice. Omnichannel customer service places the focus on the customer and enables them to engage with your brand through timelier, more personalized communication when used effectively. Switching between channels should be a seamless experience for the customer, and for your business.

Adding multiple online channels to your communication strategy and ensuring a seamless experience requires fast and reliable Internet service. Comwave’s Business Internet offers the fastest connection and no data limit. With plans that provide up to 50 Mbps download speeds and no usage limits, Comwave allows your business to provide swift and efficient omnichannel customer service without the worry of added costs. Reach your customers with a strongly aligned and consistent brand voice across all channels, supported by Comwave’s fastest and most reliable network.

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